What is Root Canal Treatment? Types of Root Canals


All about root canal

Root canals are known to be effective techniques for treating over 90% of most patients with dental issues. As a result, many people prefer root canal treatment for their teeth and find out if they need this treatment. It may sound very expensive and time-consuming, but when you know everything about the roots of your mouth, there is no reason why you should not receive this treatment. Therefore, let us see some of the facts related to root canal treatment.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal therapy refers to a technique that involves inserting the tooth with the help of specialized equipment inside the root canal. In addition, these tools are used to treat gum diseases in children, as well as those related to bad breath. The main purpose of this treatment is to save the root canals by dissolving any remaining plaque that has accumulated due to unhealthy habits, which will prevent them from developing into hard or soft stones and causing discomfort. However, other causes lead to tooth decay. Thus, by removing this condition before they develop into hard or soft stones, you can help your child or child-in-law to avoid any such problem in the future.

Types of Root Canals

Root canal treatment is usually performed for various purposes. Here are some common ones:

To protect healthy teeth in childhood by preventing them from getting affected by bacteria. Also, it prevents further buildup of bacteria at the surface of young teeth.

To address bad breath in adults due to an underlying medical condition (e.g., gingivitis).

To remove any remnants of bacteria that have formed on the teeth that cannot be removed by conventional antibiotics. These include tartar, enamel, white dental plaque, etc.

To ensure proper drainage in children with special needs as well as adults with diabetes and heart disease as they have higher risks for tooth decay.

To remove all kinds of dental stains. They include yellow dye, brown stain, black stain, chocolate stain, oil stain, blood stain, tea stain, coffee, and wine stain, etc.

Root canal treatment procedures will be provided in two types:

Root canal therapy includes both filling materials and the removal process.

Root canal treatment is also known as endodontic surgery.

Here’s a simple comparison between root canal treatment and tooth extraction: A tooth extractor pulls apart the roots and allows them to absorb the cement inside the root, thus making the root bone more resistant to external forces. Similarly, root canal treatment keeps the roots intact and prevents any damage that could cause tooth decay later in life. However, the root canal treatment does not completely dissolve the teeth until dental pulp melts away and the root becomes harder after the tooth is extracted. This makes the extraction necessary for root canal treatment more painful than the filling of the root canal. If root canal treatment alone didn’t work, then dental extraction is required. Not only do root canal treatments allow you to fix any broken parts of the jaw but you can easily replace a damaged tooth. Root canal treatment is recommended for everyone because we treat every tooth and make sure it is working properly. There are different methods of root canal treatment, however, the most common one is referred to as “dental hygiene treatment”.


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