Dental Caries

 Dental Caries

Dental caries means tooth decay. It is a microbiological disease of calcified tissue, which causes the demineralization of inorganic substances and the destruction of the organic component of th that. Dental caries is a chronic as well as progressive disease. It takes enough time to be developed. Oral bacteria and plaque play important roles in the development of tooth caries.

Who is at risk for tooth caries?

Host; who do not have enough saliva because of medicine, diseases, or some cancer treatment.
food on tooth
slowly and gradually bacteria start to decay tooth
Bacteria; useful bacteria in our mouth convert into harmful bacteria when they come in contact with sweets and sugary foods and cause tooth decay.
Diet; who do not get enough fluoride
sticky foods, biscuits, chocolates, and cold drinks, this kind of diet releases bacteria. these expose their teeth to sugars for long period.

Symptoms of dental caries

👉A toothache(tooth pain)
👉Tooth sensitivity to sweets, hot or cold
👉white or brown stains on the surface of a tooth
👉A cavity
👉An infection that can lead to an abscess(pocket of puss) forming. The abscess can cause pain, facial, swelling, and fever


Treatments for dental caries

👍Flouride treatment;
If you have early tooth decay, a fluoride treatment can help the enamel to repair itself.
If you have a typical cavity, your dentist will remove the damaged or decayed tooth tissue and then restore the tooth by filling it with a filling material.
👍Root canal;

If the infection is spread and arrived at the pulp(inside of the tooth) then only filling is not the solution. Here root canal is required. The dentist will remove the pulp and clean inside the tooth and root in 2 to 3 visits. And after a root canal crown(covering of the tooth) is needed.
👍Tooth extraction;
If the infection is spread over the tooth and the tooth is in very bad condition that it can not be safe. In this condition, the dentist pulls out the tooth. After tooth extraction, the gape is covered by a tooth bridge. Or you can implant it to replace the missing tooth.

Prevention or management of tooth caries

😊Restorative treatment
😊Tooth Brushing
😊Mouth rinsing
😊Dental floss
😊Topical Flouride application
😊Pit and Fissure sealants


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