Teeth , Parts of teeth, and functions of teeth


Teeth are the hardest substance in the human body, which is essential for chewing, speed, and grinding. They are made from protein such as collagen, and minerals such as calcium. In children, the total number of teeth is 20 while in adults, they are 32 in number. Humans develop two different sets of teeth in their life.

Importance and functions of teeth

👍Teeth help us in chewing even the toughest food.
👍They help us speak clearly.
👍These make smile pretty.
👍Help to grind food.
👍Help to bite vegetables and fruits.
👍Play a key role in the digestion of food in the mouth.

Types of teeth

There are four types of teeth
There are four sets of incisors inside the human mouth for both the upper and the lower jaws, located in front of the mouth and between canines. The incisors' function is to cut and bite the food. Especially in cutting fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots. These are having sharp edges.
Just beside the incisors, there are the canines. Canines are four in number. Canines are elongated and have a pointed surface. These are used in holding and tearing flesh.
👉 pre-molars;
Pre molars are used in crushing and grinding food. Premolars and molars have the similar structures
Molars have three to four edges. Have curved surfaces .there functions are similar to premolars.

Parts of teeth 


Enamel is the hardest part of the tooth. It is white in color. It is the outermost part of the tooth. Enamel is made up of calcium phosphate and contains different minerals. Microscopic study of the hard tissue which is present inside the enamel is called enamel.


The pulp is the softer part and inner lining of the teeth. Pulp is consist of blood vessels and nerves.


The inner layer of the connective tissue binds the root of the tooth, which is present inside the gum and jaw bone.

Periodontal ligament;

Tissue that helps the teeth to hold tightly against the jaw.

Two different sets of teeth develop in human

1; Primary teeth
Also known as baby teeth, milk teeth, or deciduous teeth. There are 20 teeth(10 teeth in each arch). Their eruption starts at 6 months and ends at 33 months.

2; secondary teeth
Also known as permanent teeth. Begun to erupt around 6  years of age and end with third molars around late teens.


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