Dental Implants

 Dental Implants

A dental implant is the most advanced technique for the replacement of teeth. There is a reason why the dental implant is more popular? and why do most people want dental implants? The reason for the success of teeth implants is that these are made up of a Nobel metal known as Titanium(it is a bio-compatible metal, it is fixed in jaw bone like a screw and this metal creates a link to the bone quickly and the body accepts it as a part of the body). The person having a missing tooth can be a candidate for a dental implant.
Few conditions and checkups are there based on which, a dentist implants teeth with a successful procedure. First, a dentist checks the length and width of the jaw bone. If it is available according to the length of the implant, then a dental implant can be inserted here. Sometimes a jaw bone becomes thin and short which decreases the success of the dental implant. There is a solution to this problem that is the bone can be grafted or can have an artificial or synthetic bone. The first bone is placed at the implant site then after the implant is placed. 


There are some other problems as well which decrease the success of the dental implant. Diabetic patient(in the diabetic patient healing process is slow and less; if the patient is diabetic controlled then a dental implant can be possible), over age, kidney problems, cardiac, and bone disease( the implant has to be fixed in between bones, if a person has the bone disease then a dental implant is not possible here) are some main problems reduce the chances of a successful dental implant.


If you think you are healthy,
If you have missing teeth, 
If you want a dental implant,
If you can afford it,
then what will be the procedure?
A dentist will do a minor surgery(similar to dental extraction, will use some injections)and then will fix the dental implant in the bone and close the procedure. Give time for healing(3-6months), because to check whether the bone accepts the implant or not. After this period a dentist again took measures and sent them to the lab for a tooth. If the tooth is prepared then it is inserted into the implant and fixed to the implant.

Cost of dental implants near me

Cost is divided into two parts
1.Implant into the bone(surgery); 
The normal range is between 50k-1lac
It depends on the quality of titanium metal from where the implant is developed. It also depends on the companies and the brands like Chinese, Japanese, and American brands.
2. Tooth on the implant;
Same as the price of a fixed unit
Porcelain fused to metal(3-10k)
zirconia metal (20k+)

Cost of the implant in different countries


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