How much time Does Root Canal Therapy Take? After Root Canal Therapy. After Root Canal Treatment

         How much time Does Root Canal Therapy Take?

Root canal therapy can take anywhere from ten to twelve weeks. Usually, it takes approximately eight to 12 weeks, but it can vary depending on the patient. During this period, your dentist will examine the area for signs of infection, and decide which root canal treatment to use. He or she must also determine which tooth to extract for root canal therapy. After that, the treatment begins after the tooth has been removed. But don’t worry, as root canal therapy lasts only as long as the tooth is still present in the mouth. The process lasts longer in case of extreme infection. But it can also last far shorter than one traditional root canal therapy. If needed, you can even undergo surgery on root canal therapy in case of root canal repair. After the healing period ends, there won’t be any root canal symptoms. Root canal therapy should therefore be performed only briefly, with regular checkups.

After Root Canal Therapy

After root canal therapy, everything should go back to as normal as possible. Every seven days, we will continue treating your root canal. During this time, we will use X-rays to locate all root canal problems. The radiographs will help us identify root canal infections and determine which treatment is needed. You can then choose the right treatment for you and the root canal. During your treatment period, it is necessary to wear a proper crown to protect your tooth. This is necessary so that we can correctly evaluate your root canal treatment and make sure nobody is missing their tooth. Once your crown is fitted properly, your doctor will start working on the root canal. On most occasions, root canal therapy lasts for several years, so you will have to visit your dentist once every six months or so. In the end, if you want your root canal therapy to last longer, you should have your root canal treated consistently for a few months. Otherwise,  the root canal will gradually fade away.

After Root Canal Treatment

During the treatment, you may have to wear a headband for a couple of weeks, and we will continue monitoring your progress. Only the right tooth needs to be extracted for root canal therapy; otherwise, the treatment will not be as effective. You should visit your dentist for removal only of the affected tooth unless you need to get a second root canal from a separate tooth.

After Removal Of Tooth

Once your tooth is removed successfully, you can move on with your life and look forward to enjoying your new smile.


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